Navigating a Changing Legal Landscape Criminal Defense in Davidson and Wilson County As a criminal defense attorney in Tennessee, I understand that facing criminal charges is stressful and overwhelming. For immigrants—whether documented or undocumented—the...
Criminal Articles
How Does Probation Work in Tennessee?
What is probation? Probation is an alternative to a jail or prison sentence. It allows individuals convicted of a crime to remain in the community under the supervision of a probation officer. The goal is to provide rehabilitation while ensuring public safety. It...
What is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony?
Basic differences between misdemeanors felonies In Tennessee, the distinction between misdemeanors and felonies is based on the severity of the offense. Misdemeanors are less serious crimes than felonies; so, the penalties for misdemeanors are less severe....
Consequences of a criminal conviction
Do I need a lawyer when charged with a crime? YES! A criminal conviction can have long-lasting consequences for you and for your family, so do not face criminal charges alone. Possible results of a criminal conviction Depending on the charge, a conviction could result...
Should I Take a Plea?
Do I need a lawyer if the DA offers me a plea deal? Yes! Your criminal defense attorney will help you understand the potential outcomes of your case and can evaluate the offer The DA is not on your side, and you should not assume that the offer is a good one. ...
About Pleas: What is judicial diversion?
What does judicial diversion mean in Tennessee? The bottom line: Judicial diversion is a program in Tennessee that allows eligible defendants to avoid a criminal conviction and have their charges dismissed and expunged upon successful completion of probation. Judicial...
About Preliminary Hearings: What is “probable cause”?
What is Probable Cause? The bottom line: Probable cause means there is enough evidence to cause a reasonable belief that a crime was committed and that the defendant committed it. Probable cause is a concept that is important in several aspects of criminal law. ...
What is a preliminary hearing?
What is a Preliminary Hearing in General Sessions Court in Tennessee? The bottom line: In a preliminary hearing in Tennessee's General Sessions Court, the judge determines whether there is probable cause to continue to the next phase of criminal prosecution. If you...
Do I have to go to court on a criminal charge if the other party does not want to press charges?
Do I Have to Go to Court if Nobody wants to Press Charges? The bottom line: Yes. The District Attorney’s office decides whether to prosecute someone for a crime; it is not up to a private individual to “press charges.” If you do not show up for court, the judge...