DUI Attorney Carla Grebert Completes ARIDE Police Training

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Nashville DUI Attorney Carla Grebert has successfully completed ARIDE Training (Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement Training). The ARIDE curriculum from NHTSA (National Highway Transportation Safety Administration) is the same training that is given to police officers to help them recognize the effect of drugs on drivers. To pass the course, Carla had to earn 100% on the performance test and pass the written test with a score of 80% or above.

DUI lawyer | ARIDE Training course certificate and class photo

What is ARIDE Training?

A DUI is not just “drunk driving”; it is a charge of driving impaired by any substance, including prescription drugs, illegal drugs, and even household chemicals. ARIDE is a training program designed to help law enforcement officers better detect and identify drivers impaired by drugs other than, or in addition to, alcohol.

Key Aspects of ARIDE Training
• Identification of Impairment: The training focuses on recognizing the signs and symptoms of drug impairment in drivers. This includes understanding the physiological effects of different drug categories.
Field Sobriety Tests: Officers are trained to administer and interpret SFSTs more effectively, with additional insight into how drug impairment might affect test outcomes.
Drug Categories: The program educates officers on the seven drug categories identified in the DEC program (e.g., depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens).
Legal Aspects: ARIDE covers the legal implications of drug-impaired driving and how to document and present evidence effectively in court.

Why Should I Hire a DUI Defense Attorney with ARIDE Training?

Hiring a defense attorney with ARIDE training can significantly enhance your defense if you’re facing impaired driving charges.

As an ARIDE-trained attorney, Carla understands the specific methods and procedures officers use to detect drug impairment. This insight allows her to effectively challenge the officer’s observations and actions during your arrest, potentially uncovering mistakes or deviations from standard procedures that could weaken the state’s case.

With ARIDE training, Carla is well-versed in the limitations of Standardized Field Sobriety Tests (SFSTs), especially when used to detect drug impairment. She understands that the tests may not be reliable indicators of drug use, and can use this knowledge to cast doubt on the evidence against you.

By understanding of the effects of various drug categories and how they might influence your behavior, Carla can present alternative explanations for the signs of impairment observed by law enforcement, such as medical conditions or other non-drug-related factors.

Contact your Nashville DUI Lawyer for help today

If you are facing an impaired driving charge, don’t face it alone. Contact attorney Carla Grebert today to schedule a consultation.

Tenn Assoc of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
American Bar Association

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