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Consequences of a Criminal Conviction

A criminal record can affect you in ways you may not expect.
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Do I need a lawyer when charged with a crime?

YES! A criminal conviction can have long-lasting consequences for you and for your family, so do not face criminal charges alone.

Possible results of a criminal conviction

Depending on the charge, a conviction could result in one or more of the following:

  • Time in jail – away from your spouse, partner, family, pets, job or school
  • Possible probation – with associated costs, counseling, monitoring and other restrictions
  • Court fines – the amount depends on the offense
  • Restitution you must pay to victims or their families
  • Loss of job and income – eviction, loan default, vehicle repossession, lower credit score
  • Online search or background check lets anyone learn of your guilty conviction!

There can be consequences even after you finish your sentence

After jail, prison, or probation, you may face difficulties in going about your daily life:

  • Difficulty getting a job, renting an apartment, getting a loan, and higher interest rates
  • Unable or difficult to get work in education, government or their contractors, healthcare, childcare, security, corrections, military, insurance, gambling, casinos, banking or finance
  • Harder to get licensed or work as a commercial driver
  • Restrictions on holding public office or work or volunteering for political activities
  • Constitutional rights such as the right to vote or own firearms may be limited or lost
  • You may be unable to serve jury duty
  • Your Green Card may not be renewed and you may be subject to immigration review and possible deportation
  • Limited access to financial aid including welfare and other government benefits
  • Unable to enroll in further education, including loss of scholarships or grants
  • Negative impact on adoption and child custody cases
  • Increased chance of future criminal charges
  • Increased penalties if convicted of charges in the future

Your conviction can also affect your family, children, and you in personal ways

  • Damage to your reputation – people may avoid you in business or social situations once they know of your criminal record, including friends, family, customers, neighbors, church and other community groups or organizations.
  • Harder to get dates or meet new people when they find your conviction online

For these reasons you must do everything possible to avoid the damaging effects of a guilty verdict.

Your Davidson County Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help

The potential effects on your life if convicted of a crime can be serious.  When you or a loved one are charged with a crime, you need a tough but caring criminal defense attorney on your side.  Carla Grebert will take the time to listen, understand and explain the legal process, then provide a strong defense to make sure that the district attorney does not take advantage of you or your situation. Request a consultation today,

Tenn Assoc of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Member of the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
American Bar Association

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