Penalties for DUI in Tennessee
Request a ConsultationWhat are the penalties for DUI in Tennessee?
Tennessee has harsh DUI laws, so you need a good Nashville DUI lawyer to defend you. First-time offenders must serve a mandatory minimum jail sentence of 48 hours, and other penalties may include fines ranging from $350 to $1,500, license suspension for up to one year, probation, and participation in an alcohol and drug treatment program. Each time you are convicted of DUI, the punishment is harsher.
Offense Level | Possible Penalties |
1st offense |
2nd offense |
3rd offense |
4th and up |
In addition to the penalties above, a DUI conviction can affect your life in many ways. You will have a permanent criminal record, that cannot be expunged. A criminal record can make it difficult to get a job, get housing, or get a loan. You will also have to pay high rates for auto insurance.
Do I need a lawyer if I am charged with DUI?
Yes! You should never face criminal charges alone. Nashville DUI lawyer Carla Grebert will examine the evidence, ensure your constitutional rights are not violated, negotiate with the district attorney, and represent you in court.
If you are facing a DUI charge, contact attorney Carla today to schedule a consultation.
Quick Guide to DUI Penalities in Tennessee
Davidson County DUI defense attorney Carla Grebert has prepared a handy, printable one-page guide to help you understand the penalties for DUI in Tennessee. Click here to get it.